Why coose our olive oil?
We are a farm in conversion to organic farm. This means that we are expecting to have the official and formal certification as a "bio farm" in the course of next year (2022). In actual fact, our methods of growing have always been conducted by a rigorously organic connotation.
Since our ancestors’ times, our olive oil is being produced using exclusively organic fertilizations: manure and compost for example, excluding the use of synthetic chemicals, like chemical fertilizers, weedkillers, pesticides or fungicides.
Our oil is extra virgin monovarietal “Peranzana” olive oil, which means that it is monocultivar, i.e., it is made by a single olive variety. The Peranzana olive tree was introduced in our area by the Prince De Sangro around 1700; it is one of the 500 varieties of olive currently growing in Italy. It is a pure variety, not an hybrid. It is a very strong and fruitful variety of olive tree, which nowadays can be found only in this wonderful corner of Puglia, the Alto Tavoliere.
Many of the commercial olive oils are produced from a mix of olives collected from different areas, and often worked at a late time from picking. Those oils, even though still defined “extra virgin”, have lost the peculiar quality features of the olives of origin.
Our oil instead, being monovarietal, is an EVO of absolute excellence, is characterized by top quality organoleptic connotations, m Our olive oil is high in polyphenols, which protect the organism from pathogen, literally sweeping away free radicals, that promote cellular inflammation, which is at the base of the occurrence of chronic disease and ageing. Also they act as antimicrobial, with a fundamental role in maintaining the balance of intestinal flora, and for the wellness of digestive system. All of this results in a good general state of health.
Thanks to all this, our extre virgin olive oil is not a simple condiment, rather a nutracetical nutrient (that is, a food having a beneficial function for our health).
Picking of olives and extraction of oil have a special relevance too: our olives are picked using traditional methods in order to preserve the organoleptic characteristics of the fruit. Olives are processed within 24 hours from picking using the method of “cold-working”; even during mixing, the olive paste is maintained at ambient temperature; this is an extremely important and delicate step, important for preserving organoleptic properties of olives themselves.
Such kind of processing guarantees the integrity of all of the nutrients, that preserve cells, and antioxidant like A, E, K, D vitamins, polyphenols, linoleic acid and beta carotene.
Our firm is a small agricoltural farm seeking primarly quality and not quantity of its products: we take care of our olive groves like gardens, in accordance with nature and health, our family being the first consumer of our precious olive oil.